Fleet Decarbonation

Generate, monitor and optimise your decarbonisation scenarios.
Plan the renewal of your fleet while respecting your budgetary constraints and decarbonisation objectives.
Enter your data in a simple, intuitive format -
Get a clear vision and a detailed plan for achieving your decarbonisation objectives
Optimise your transition to a low-carbon fleet, reduce your carbon footprint and boost your fleet management thanks to personalised scenarios and intuitive dashboards -
Comprehensive, predictive analysis
Compare your different scenarios and select the decarbonisation plan in line with your objectives
Get a vision and a detailed plan for renewing your vehicle fleet to achieve your decarbonisation objectives while respecting your budgetary and operational constraints
Define your constraints
• Vehicle characteristics
• Environmental standards (CO2)
• Kilometers covered
Specify your vehicle fleet data and efficiently analyse the components of your current fleet.
Fill in your data and integrate government constraints intuitively, thanks to the work of our team of UX designers. -
Track your performance indicators
• Opex : Operating costs
• Capex : Investment costs ($)
• Emissions (CO2)
Effectively justify your needs, your objectives and their alignment with your budget using intuitive, dynamic dashboards.
Effectively interpret the results of your simulations using effective visuals.
Get a detailed plan for replacing your fleet
Simulate and compare fleet replacement scenarios tailored to your needs.
Monitor your fleet replacement budgets.
Reduce the costs associated with your company's energy transition using explainable artificial intelligence.
Reduce your carbon footprint by switching to more environmentally-friendly vehicles and achieve your decarbonization targets.